The 16th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE*04) German Informatics Society (GI), Working Group WI-KobAS (5.10.3)
MotivationComponent specifications are an important part of component-based engineering methodologies. They build the methodological basis for component development, cataloguing, search, assessment, and configuration. Furthermore, they serve as input to predict the behaviour and quality of configurations (i.e. component-based applications). Establishing a standardized framework that determines the scope and formats of component specification endorses the emergence of interoperable tools that are able work together and exchange information about components. Modern component technologies like Web Services already recognized the importance of specifications and provide a specification standard (e.g. UDDI). However, today's standards are not sufficient to support component-based software engineering, since they merely concentrate on specifying (low-level) interface definitions.This workshop aims at tying together important aspects of component specification in general and at identifying applications for specifications within the process of component-based software engineering. Its goal is to establish a working group that focuses on creating a standardized specification framework for software components as the basis of future methodologies. A component specification aims at providing a complete documentation of (the outer view of) components. A specification framework determines the extent and formats of component specifications. It ought to be formal, normative, modular (extensible), technology-independent, and methodically substantiated. Furthermore, it should provide both machine- and human-understandable specifications. A preliminary specification framework to specify business components has been standardized by AK WI-KobAS (AK 5.10.3), a working group located within the German Society of Informatics (GI) and is available under It may serve as a starting point to open discussions. TopicsTopics of interest include but are not limited to:* Aspects of component specifications (e.g. assertions, behaviour, architecture, method coordination, variability, and non-functional/quality characteristics) * Applications for component specifications (e.g. component search, assessment, dynamic onfiguration, formal models to predict configuration behavior) * Formal validation and certification of component specifications (e.g. certification methods) * Standardization of component specifications (e.g. existing approaches and specification frameworks) Submissions and ParticipationAll submissions will be formally reviewed (double-blind reviewing process). Authors of accepted papers need to participate in the workshop and have to register for the main conference.The workshop will be organized as mixture of presentations (position papers) and discussions. At the end of the workshop, a consolidating session will tie together workshop results and try to establish a working group that starts standardization of a specification framework (i.e. task forces and a control board to develop the overall framework structure will be instantiated). Papers should clearly state how they relate to the workshop theme, which problems they address in particular, what solutions they suggest and how this solution advances component specifications and/or the process of component-based software engineering. Papers should be five to ten pages (12pt times, single-spaced A4 or letter) in length and state the author's affiliation and contact address. Pape
Saïd Assar, Institut National des Télécoms, France Jan Bosch, U Groningen, Netherlands Stefan Conrad, U Düsseldorf, Germany Peter Fettke, U Mainz, Germany Gerhard Goos, U Karlsruhe, Germany Peter Loos, U Mainz, Germany Erich Ortner, U Darmstadt, Germany Geert Poels, U Leuven, Belgium Ralf H. Reussner, U Oldenburg, Germany Colette Rolland, U Paris 1, France Marcus Rothenberger, U Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA Johannes Sametinger, U Linz, Austria Klaus Turowski, U Augsburg, Germany Rainer Unland, U Essen, Germany
Peter Fettke ISYM - Information Systems & Managment, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz 55099 Mainz Tel.: +49 (6131) 39 - 22018 Fax: +49 (6131) 39 - 22185 E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können URL: Prof. Dr. Peter Loos ISYM - Information Systems & Managment, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz 55099 Mainz Tel.: +49 (6131) 39 - 22018 Fax: +49 (6131) 39 - 22185 E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können URL: Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski Chair of Business Information Systems, University of Augsburg Universität Augsburg Universitätsstr. 16 86135 Augsburg Tel.: +49 (821) 598 - 4436 Fax: +49 (821) 598 - 4432 E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können URL: |